Stepdance Judge ~ Chad Wolfe

Chad Wolfe – Chad Wolfe is a Canadian Open Step Dance Champion and award winning fiddler who has performed across Canada and abroad. He was a principal dancer in the Mirvish production, The Needfire, and toured with Memories of a Don Messer Jubilee. He has performed with Natalie MacMaster, Donnell Leahy, Ashley MacIsaac, and The Great Canadian Fiddle Show.

Chad has dedicated his career to preserving these time-honoured Canadian traditions not only through performing, but also teaching. The Chad Wolfe Studio of Fiddle & Stepdance has been in operation since 1996. He has also taught at fiddle camps and workshops from Halifax to Yellowknife.

His latest recording, “Clogs & Jigs & Reels … Oh My!” pays homage to house fiddlers and their music for step dance competitors since the 1960s. The dancers’ version of the album has become a highly sought-after resource for step dance teachers, students and performers.